
Sunday 20 August 2023

Who She Was by Tony Parsons

Synopsis from the Publisher:

"A bonfire burns on a Cornish beach in the middle of the night.

Nearby, a young woman waits for morning, and for the estate agent to arrive with the keys to her new life in the peaceful fishing village.

She carries with her no trace of her previous life or the past she has left behind.

Quickly she becomes an object of fascination among the locals; one in particular finds that he is falling in love with her.

But can anyone really have a new life?
What happened to this woman's old life?
And what price did she pay to escape it?

When secrets long buried explode into the light, they will change the lives of everyone around her."


I really enjoy Tony Parsons' books as they have always excited me, kept me on tenterhooks and had me reading long into the night.  Unfortunately, Who She Was, for me, is nowhere near on a par with his previous books which I am upset about. 

It pains me to say this but I found the story boring, the plot tedious, the characters totally unlikeable or memorable and the twists just meh!

Now, this is my opinion only and I have seen lots of reviews that rate this very highly so please don't take my word for it ... you can't please everyone all of the time!  I also won't let this blip put me off from reading more of Tony Parsons work in the future.

Thanks must go to the author, Random House UK, Cornerstone, Century and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Who She Was.


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Other books by Tony Parsons I have read and reviewed:


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