
Saturday 21 September 2024

Second Life by S J Watson

 Description from Goodreads:

"She loves her husband. She's obsessed by a stranger.

She's a devoted mother. She's prepared to lose everything.

She knows what she's doing. She's out of control.

She's innocent. She's guilty as sin.

She's living two lives. She might lose both . . ."


I have had this book on my to-be-read pile for years and have only just got round to reading it having some time whilst I am relaxing on holiday.  Why did I leave it so long?  I have absolutely no idea!

This is a difficult book to review and, if you look at other reviews, you will understand why ... it seems to be a love it or hate it kind of book and I'm still not sure which camp I sit in!  It's a bit slow and I found myself skimming sections, the characters aren't particularly likeable and it doesn't really have the 'oomph' that I like when reading but the ending was ok.

Is this a "sensational psychological thriller"?  For me?  Unfortunately not but that's just me and we all like different things so read other reviews and give it a go, you never know, you might love it.

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Second Life.


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