“A pacy, chilling psychological thriller, set to reinvent the genre. It begins, they say, with a woman screaming...Don't shut your eyes...In an isolated corner of a remote Scottish island lies the McBride house, a place that has forever been shrouded in shadows and secrets. In Victorian times, a mother and son perished there, and just one year ago, a local boy went missing-a scream the only clue as to his fate. For Zoe Adams, though, the McBride house represents a much-needed escape from her life in America, and from the tragedy that has befallen her. All she wants is to be alone, to finally find peace. Only the calm Zoe so desperately craves eludes her. For as night falls, she is disturbed by unsettling dreams, the sinister notes of a woman singing, an indistinct face at the window...Someone, or something, wants Zoe gone, and will stop at nothing to rid the house of her presence.”
Full of atmosphere and mystery helped by the excellent description of the remote Scottish island and the characters makes this an enthralling read.
In an attempt to escape a failing marriage, Zoe rents an isolated and recently renovated house with a chequered history. It doesn’t take long for creepy things to start happening which spurs Zoe on to finding out more about the house’s history but as the story develops, you start to question whether the happenings are real, paranormal or a figment of Zoe’s imagination.
There are many twists and turns in this book which keeps you guessing as to what is going on and although I found it a struggle at times due to the sheer amount of questions you ask yourself, While You Sleep is an eerie and atmospheric story that is quite unlike anything I have read before.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest review.
Date of publication: 08/03/2018
Publisher website: HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction
Publisher twitter: @HarperCollinsUK
Author website: Stephanie Merritt
Author twitter: @thestephmerritt