
Sunday 13 October 2024

The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel

Description from the Publisher:

"Alfred Smettle adores Hitchcock.

And who better to become founder, owner and manager of The Hitchcock Hotel, a remote, sprawling Victorian house sitting atop a hill in the beautiful White Mountains, New England. There, guests can find movie props and memorabilia in every room, round-the-clock film screenings, and an aviary with fifty crows.

For the hotel's first anniversary, Alfred invites the five college friends he studied film with. He hasn't spoken to any of them in sixteen years.

Not after what happened.

But who better to appreciate Alfred's creation?

His guests arrive, and everything seems to go according to plan. Until one glimpses someone standing outside her shower curtain.

Another is violently ill every time she eats the hotel food. Then their mobile phones go missing.

You should always make the audience suffer as much as possible, right?

The guests are stuck in the middle of nowhere, and things are about to get even worse. After all, no Hitchcock set is complete without a dead body."


I haven't read anything by Stephanie Wrobel before but the fantastic book cover drew me in, unfortunately, it was just an OK read for me and I'm still in two minds as to whether it was worth my time.

This started pretty slowly and whilst I understand you have to set the scene, it was a bit too much and went on for too long.  I didn't really like any of the protagonists and whilst this doesn't usually bother me that much, I think it affected how I felt about the story as a whole as I really wasn't bothered what happened to any of them.

At about the halfway point, the 'action' started to grow, although I use the word action very loosely because there wasn't much of that at all but more than there had been for the first half; it was more of a creeping sensation that something was going to happen to someone and when it did, it was a bit of an anticlimax if I'm honest and the ending was a bit too easy.

Overall, not a book that I can rave about unfortunately but thank you to the author, Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House and NetGalley for enabling me to read The Hitchcock Hotel.


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