
Sunday 30 June 2024

In a Place of Darkness by Stuart MacBride

Description from Goodreads:


Detective Constable Angus MacVicar has just landed his dream job – transferred out of uniform and assigned to Oldcastle’s biggest ongoing murder Operation Telegram, hunting the 'Fortnight Killer'.

Every two weeks another couple is targeted. One victim is left at the scene, their corpse used as a twisted message board. The second body is never seen again.

This should be the perfect chance for Angus to prove himself, but instead of working on the investigation’s front line, he’s lumbered with the forensic psychologist from hell. A sarcastic know-it-all American, on loan from the FBI, who seems determined to alienate everyone while dragging Angus into a shadowy world of conspiracies, lies, and violence.

It’s been twelve days since the Fortnight Killer last struck, and the investigation’s running out of time. Angus's shiny new job might just be the death of him…"


I think I can safely say that I am a fan of Mr MacBride's work; I have read a number of his books before and loved them all but this has got to be one of his best!  

I really enjoyed his writing style with the perfect mix of violence, brutal murders, humour, twisty plots and fabulous characters.  I really warmed to Angus very quickly and despite Dr Fife being a bit of an *******, their relationship was just brilliant and I actually grew to like him by the end of the book.

The plot was intriguing and had me hooked from the very start and I raced through it to find out which way it would go and I certainly wasn't disappointed.  I loved every second of this book and didn't want it to end and despite the dark nature of the story and brutal murders, there were plenty of laugh out loud moments that I had to stifle so as not to wake the house up!!

My recommendation?  Go and buy it now but make sure you have space in your day as you won't want to put it down.

Many thanks to the author, Random House UK, Transworld Publishers, Bantam and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of this brilliant book and I really, really hope there is more to come from Angus and Dr Fife.


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Other books by Stuart MacBride I have read and reviewed:

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